This mod replaces the ingame worldmap with a large, new worldmap. It is used especially for the Megamodification (BGT, TDD, SOS, CtB, TS, DSotSC, NTotSC, SoBH, Drizzt Saga...) or partial installations of the Megamodification. It also includes a full set of coloured map icons. The mod offers the choice between two different worldmap sizes: large and huge. Either of these two worldmaps can be used for BG1, BG2 and ToB. Alternatively, a smaller, specially prepared worldmap can be used for ToB. The mod also offers optional, alternative travel times and area visibility. Lastly, the mod includes a savegame converter, which allows old saved games to be updated to include the new map(s). (The worldmap data is also stored in the savegame files. If you want to install this worldmap, run the savegame converter and you don't have to start a new game.)
This is the original introduction written by Yacomo:
Please allow me a few words about my motivation in doing this...
I always loved maps, guess since I first got my hands on the middle earth atlas. I always liked the infinity engine games as well, but those two things had nothing to do with each other...
Well, nothing to do until I started playing the BP-BGT-NeJ-CtB-DSotSC-BH-NTotSC monster in early 2005. I became a fan of the Check the Bodies worldmap immediately and I fell in love with the spirit of the modding community shortly thereafter. I had to give it back something...
What I never liked about the BP–BGT map was the mix of coloured and black and white icons. So I was already tinkering with the idea of creating coloured versions of all the Baldur's Gate map icons when Horred the Plague posted link on the former forgottenwars forums...
That was the starter I was waiting for! So I picked up the task, made myself comfortable with GIMP (who needs Photoshop - bah :-) and this is the result - hope ya like it!
At the beginning of the year 2006 Yacomo retired the first time from this mod and King Diamond and Weigo took over the worldmap. King Diamond, one of the WeiDU coding chiefs, made a fantastic new code for the worldmap. Weigo made a lot of small and large changes to the worldmaps.
In the spring of 2007 Erebusant made an extra update for alternative travel times, area visibility and he took over the support in the forum and is still helping to find all bugs and testing new codes.
One and a half year later Yacomo returned and he brought a new larger worldmap. With Weigo's help, the map is now completely labeled with all cities, mountains and regions.