Check The Bodies ©2003, ©2004 Charles Bisson. The Version History file will pop-up when Check The Bodies has been completely installed. If it does not automatically begin, open the file "Setup-CheckTheBodies.exe" in your Baldur's Gate II main folder. CtB Gameplay Notes: Version History can be found when the readme pops-up at the end of installation. A couple of notes that must be taken care of immediately: 1) I built the mod without using weidu for anything other than creating dialogs. I converted the mod to a weidu installation at the final point. Thus, throughout the work, everything worked properly as a "biffed installation" like my other mod, Shadows of Soubar, however, during the conversion, I am willing to place money on the fact that I messed something (perhaps somethings) up. Hopefully, not too much. 2) Keeping in mind that this is a mini-quest mod, each single quest works as a stand alone quest. That is to say, if one were to start a new game, play one of my new quests, and finish the game, there should be no problems. I tested it in that manner to good results. However, I did not test all the quests together. That is for two reasons: a) each quest is heavily dependant on a number of random factors: the pc's race, class, alignment, etc., chapter, make up of the party, and so many other factors. Without 'altering' a save game, it will be impossible for a single character to play through the entire game and get *all* of Check The Bodies' quests. That is by design. Don't worry, no matter what you choose for a character, you won't miss anything for that character. So, with that being said, I did not- nor ask any testers to- check quests simultaneously. There may be issues with that. I'll fix them as we come to them. 3) This is a weidu mod. If you don't know what that means, don't worry. Its just the way the mod was built, so as to allow for multiple mod installations. It has some good points and bad points. The good point is that you can install other weidu mods in conjunction with CtB and both should work. The bad point is that Check the Bodies is a huge and encompassing mod, and overwrites a large number of original files, like Jaheria's dialog or the worldmap. I haven't yet completely altered the installation process to change this. Most original dialogs have been updated for v145, with the exclusion of Cromwell's (WSMITH01.DLG), though many areas (ARE files) have not. My point is that because this is one of the larger mods, up there in size with DSotSC, TDD, TBP, etc, I suggest to you to install CtB FIRST, then install any other weidu mods. 4) I'm pretty proud of the editing work that I've done: that is, spells, items, creatures, dialogs, etc. However, as most of you could see with SoS, I am awful at the 'drawing' parts, as you'll notice with the "Check The Bodies" start screen or the worldmap's background. It looks like a three year old's drawing. No matter. If anyone wishes to 'redo' any of the graphics, give me a call. Oh, this rule of "CBisson's lack of artistic talent" doesn't apply to the new areas of Hlondeth as that was all textured by the wonderful Valiant. I think he did an amazing job with it, and I hope you do too. Valiant is redo-ing the worldmap for me, and it will be included in future builds. 5) For a list of the quests, see "CtB_Quest_List.txt". I won't tell you how to get them though. For a list of files that CtB overrides, see "CtBOAO.txt". For a list of animation overrides, see "CtB_animation_overwrite.txt". I do have plans to change the way CtB works the override files as well as perhaps getting the files 'unbiffed', but for now, it's going to stay as is. I'd rather concentrate on the bugs (I know they're there) people find first. 6) Since I've already mentioned Valiant, let me add in here the credits. I really hope I don't forget anyone- if I do, you can slap me with a wet towel. Quest Development: CBisson IE editing: CBisson New Worldmap: Braño Website: Braño aka Valiant, Slovakia Hlondeth Area modeling: CBisson Hlondeth Area modeling (additional): Braño aka Valiant, Slovakia Hlondeth Area Texturing/Rendering: Braño aka Valiant, Slovakia Hlondeth Area Texturing/Rendering (additional): CBisson Baldurdash Bug-Fixes: Kevin Dorner Check The Bodies Title: I hate to admit it, but I didn't come up with it... thanks Aernor! Voice Overs: The Cowled Wizard: Bob Dupuis, TheWizard Captain Deudermont and ElfSapate: Gregg notmrt Kincaid Portrait for Rynn taken from The Portrait Portal (Karse never mailed me back, so these were taken without permission), The Spellfire Play comes straight from Ed Greenwood's book, Spellfire. (I don't know the copyright information as I'm typing this.) The 'Tis Pity She's A Wench' play is based on John Ford's play 'Tis Pity She's A Whore', and I don't have the copyright info on that either. Candlekeep's music taken from The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, copyright 2001. Captain Deudermont's stories: Arrival in Waterdeep taken from Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brian A Fantastic Voyage taken from Passage To Dawn by R.A. Salvatore The Sea Sprite's Crew also taken from Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brian Tools: I couldn't have built the files without NearInfinity. What a lovely tool! (I once told Jon I was going to name the mod after him, obviously I lied, but thanks anyway Jon!) Also, IETME, great work Theo! Weidu as a simple and fast dialog creator- which for me makes altering/adding to dialogs SOOOO very simple. TISunpack and ogg decoders which made the mod quite smaller for downloading. I used DLTCEP a bit towards the end of the creation process, so hats off to Avenger. The 'old standby' IEEP, still useful and Todd is owed so much by the IE modding community for his work that nearly started the whole thing. ...and other IE tools: InfExpl, IDU, MOS/BAM Workshops, et all. Weidu Installation Assistance provided by JCompton and Wes Weimer. Thanks guys! Weidu Bug Testing provided by Andrew. Thanks! Additional material taken from IE Games: BG I, IWD I, IWD II. Thanks to testers, supporters, etc. You know who you are, but there are waaaaay to many to list. I'm sure I forgot other people, so PLEASE! if you helped me in any way with Check The Bodies, please! please! write me and remind me! And I can't forget to say thanks the fantastic crew at BioWare/Interplay for these games. Words can't say how happy I am they did a lot of 'planning' to make the Infinity Engine truly infinite.